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Equine Stretching for Mobility: An Illustrated Guide is aimed at horse owners of all skill levels and disciplines and is intended as an indispensable handbook for equine practitioners. Full of detailed illustrations of the muscular skeletal system--as well as photographs with step-by-step instructions--this guide is designed to get you working with your equine partner by initiating a regular stretching routine which will:


  • Increase relaxation for both horse and rider
  • Reduce muscle tightness
  • Increase flexibility and range of motion
  • Improve overall functional mobility and performance


With a broad array of stretches and variations, the opportunity exists for each horseperson to develop the best routine that is most suited to their horse's individual needs. The benefits that flow from a carefully developed stretching routine will have a measurable ongoing impact on a horse's well-being.

Equine Stretching for Mobility

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